Friday, January 4, 2013

Rewind 2 1/2 Years

A quick time line of my "cluster of crap".

July 2010-Both Kyle and I get Viral Meningitis (the good kind). My recovery was much harder than his as he astounds the staff at University of Missouri Hospital with his 2 day recovery.

Jan/Feb 2011-I go into a Thyroid Storm due to an overactive thyroid. Racing heart rate and severe panic put me in the hospital.

May 2011-I get a headache so bad that I lost peripheral vision. In the ER the doc ordered a lumbar puncture/spinal tap and the opening pressure was extremely high and an MRI showed that my brain was swelling so much it was pushing on my pituitary gland. I got the diagnosis of Idiopathic Intercrainal Hypertension. I was put on medicine.

June 2011-We moved back to the KC area and thyroid levels stabilize and another lumbar puncture showed my CSF pressure stabilized.

August 2011- IIH symptoms come back with a vengeance. I get back on medicine and start having therapeutic lumbar punctures every 4 weeks.

November 2011-My neurologist refers me to a Neurosurgeon to get a VP shunt placed.

December 2011-1st surgery to place the shunt.

March 2012-I start randomly passing out. Looking back it was kinda funny...I went vertical, a second later I went horizontal. After a 2 weeks in three different hospitals, it was decided my shunt was malfunctioning due to a mechanical error in the valve. This lead to surgery #2 to replace the valve.

October 2012- I become Hyperthyroidic again. No one knows why.

December 2012- The shunt gets infected leading to bacterial meningitis (the bad kind) and results in surgery #3 to rip that shunt out.

Now pat yourself on the back for actually reading that boring time line.

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