Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Neurosurgeon Has ADHD

I went in for a quick check in before Dr. Basta left on vacation for a month. The appointment was similar to the last one we had except I felt like he was our drinking buddy rather than a coffee shop pal. The topics we discussed were:
  1. My returning high pressure symptoms. They are mild symptoms now, but he thinks they will progressively get worse. As they get worse, I will get diagnostic/therapeutic lumbar punctures.
  2. My head wound was not healing perfectly, then Kyle opened his big mouth about the incision busting open twice.
  3. How he fought the female staff to have GQ and Esquire in his patient rooms.
  4. The cover of a nearby GQ with a busty woman eating a Bomb Pop on it.
  5. The fact he is planning on me ultimately getting another shunt, but he wants my body's symptoms to tell us when that will be. He was a lot LESS optimistic about my IIH condition's remission.
  6. Kansas City hospital politics.
  7. His son's visit to the NICU five years ago for respiratory distress. I think the son is fine now.
  8. The movie Jack Ass. Specifically a scene where an actor poops in a display toilet in a store.
  9. A patient he treats that had a skull infection and he had remove a portion of her skull for healing purposes. However, she keeps calling the office wanting her skull back. Just odd...
  10. My new curly hair style
  11. And the typical question of if I needed anymore painkillers; he is going to make me a drug addict yet. I said no since I hadn't even filled the last script for 75 Percocet.

I have a feeling he doesn't talk to all his patients about these subjects, but after a year and three surgeries he may like us and may feel comfortable to show off his obviously ADHD conversation topics. It really has been just in the past two appointments we have had this friendly banter. His random conversation topics make him much more approachable which is helpful for my jittery self. My panic did slightly emerge at the check out desk, once again, after the situation. I had to let Kyle make my next appointment while I went into the cool hall to feel stable. 


  1. There is a Basta brewery near our house in Prague. Hmmmm. Month long vacations, busty women, I think your doctor is Czech.

  2. Glad the appt. went well and that you didn't have too much trouble with the panic. Boo for possibly returning IIH symptoms though. :p

  3. I just found your blog, while searching faducials. I also have a VP shunt, and Dr. Basta is My neurosurgeon as well :) I tried to send you a message here not sure if I did it right
